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Showing posts with label iceland. Show all posts
Summer in Iceland. Travelling tips

Summer in Iceland. Travelling tips

WHEN? Summer is a wonderful season in Iceland with 24 hour daylight from June until August. Many Icelanders use blackout curtains in this pe...
Iceland Cruise Guide. Enjoy your Cruise to Iceland!

Iceland Cruise Guide. Enjoy your Cruise to Iceland!

Icelanders have always known that their country is beautiful, special and unique, and this fact is becoming more and more known throughout t...
Petrol and service stations in Iceland

Petrol and service stations in Iceland

Since the economic crisis in Iceland in 2008 when the value of the Icelandic money weakened, Iceland became a more affordable place fo...
Five winter activities in Iceland

Five winter activities in Iceland

In Iceland, winter lasts from September to April, even though the months September and October are considered autumn, and April springtime. ...
Húsavík at 66 Degrees North

Húsavík at 66 Degrees North

Húsavik is a small town with 2500 inhabitants located in the north of Iceland.   According to the “Book of Settlements”(Landnámabók), Húsav...
Six waterfalls in southern Iceland

Six waterfalls in southern Iceland

Gullfoss Gullfoss, the golden waterfall, is without a doubt the most famous waterfall in Iceland. Located on the famous Golden Circle where...